Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Death of "with Liberty and Justice for all."


As a child in elementary school, I learned "The Pledge of Allegiance." I have repeated it in good faith all my life. Until now.

Just last November of 2020, we held a General Election. One of the main purposes was to elect a President and Vice President of the United States of America.

This election differed from any previous election in my life time. A number of states run by Democrats changed election laws, many of them in violation of the United States Constitution. The U.S. Constitution clearly reads that "State Legislatures" are to set rules for holding Federal Elections. Yet in a number of Democratic states, entities other than the state legislatures changed the rules for conducting an election. Most egregiously, they authorized "mail-in" ballots, which are not to be confused with "absentee" ballots. With "mail-in" ballots, they did not have to go to the trouble of verifying the identity and the legitimacy of the voter. That whole process is ripe for election fraud.

Moreover, they altered the time in which ballots could be accepted. The U.S. Constitution is clear that votes are authorized only when the polls close at a stipulated time on Election Day. Yet days afterward, certain states were still accepting ballots.

The stated reason for these alterations was the "COVID-19" "pandemic" in our country. But I believe there was a much more sinister reason. The Democratic Party has a number of operatives in its membership that delight in using any "crisis" for good advantage for their party. Former President Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel once made this famous and revealing prescription. He said, "Never let a crisis go to waste." The Machiavellian genius of his comment is that unscrupulous political operatives can and should use a crisis or perceived crisis to ram through policies that would never be tolerated in normal times. 

I wondered, during the Presidential Campaign, why Joe Biden (or Joe Biden's handlers) didn't have him out there campaigning for a huge portion of the time. He kept holed up in his basement, pretending (in my view) to want to avoid the dangers of COVID. But in hindsight, I do not believe that was the real reason. I believe the real reason was much more diabolical. He and his handlers knew he didn't need to campaign. In key states, the Democratic Party operatives, aided and abetted by the Establishment Press, which is coterminous with the Democratic Party, would make certain that Biden had more than enough votes to win the election.

And why did the Democratic Party, coopting disaffected, Anti-Trump Republicans, play "War Games"? Why did they publish the document, "Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition"? In my view, they did so precisely because they knew they were going to throw the election in Biden's favor, and they were going to have to deal with an understandably upset Donald Trump.

The whole plan worked like a charm. Several states stopped counting ballots. This is unheard of? Why would you do that? The answer is simple. They needed to find out how many ballots they needed to manufacture to make certain Biden won, regardless of what the truth was. We have heard reports of boxes of ballots being unearthed after Republican poll watchers had left, and in the middle of the night. We have heard of Republican poll watchers being prevented from watching the polls.

And surprise, surprise, Joe Biden won! Or did he? Personally, I don't believe for a moment that he won. I am one of 74 million people who voted for President Trump who have been disenfranchised.

I for one, will never view a General Election the same way. I no longer believe in the integrity of American Elections. I have lost faith in America. America, in my view, is no longer a country in which there is "Liberty and Justice for All." That is not true. My most basic rights as an American citizen, to expect a fair and honest election, have been trampled underfoot. I will never again view my country in the same way I once did.

I now pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, buried, risen, ascended, and coming again to this earth to establish His Kingdom from Jerusalem, Israel over all the world with life and liberty for all who believe in King Jesus and submit to His rule!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Will This Election Be Stolen?


In the run-up to the 2016 General Election, the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for and used a manufactured document called the Steele Dossier. This outrageous document portrayed Donald Trump as collaborating with the Russians. Eventually our FBI and then Attorney General, with the knowledge of President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, used this discredited document to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Donald Trump and his associates. Some of Trump's associates went to jail.

The false narrative -- that Donald Trump was guilty of Russian collusion, and was never legitimately elected as President of the United States -- prevails to this very day.

Now the Democratic Party has a plan to steal the upcoming election. In August of 2020 they played "War Games" with disenchanted Republicans and arrived at four scenarios. These scenarios are listed in Appendix C (p. 15 of the document). The first "Game" was an Ambiguous Result. The second "Game" was a Clear Biden Victory. The third "Game" was a "Clear Trump Win." The fourth "Game" was a Narrow Biden Win. Their premise is that Trump and his supporters will try to steal the election. So they have formulated the Transition Integrity Project. Ostensibly their goal is "Preventing A Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition." But the truth is, they themselves are the ones trying to steal the election. Here is an outraged response from Republicans who understand the real ploy the Democrats are up to. The Republican document is called "What is the Transition Integrity Project (TIP)?"

One of the things the Democrats plan to do is organize massive protests if it looks as though their candidate will not win the election. I would imagine these protests will turn into riotous anarchy if the Democrats do not feel they can get their way. One of their strategies is to use the mail-in vote to delay the results of the election. And of course, they will keep finding more and more ballots.

Be ready for rough times in the weeks following the election. And while you are at it, pray that God will have mercy on a country that has increasingly turned its back on Him.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Impeachment of Donald Trump

We have survived the first week of the Impeachment of Donald J. Trump. It has been pretty amazing to watch the Establishment Left attempt to nullify yet again the results of an election.

We have learned that arms of the government that we thought were impeccable have been deeply flawed. The FBI, staffed with Obama loyalists, obtained the scurrilous Steele Dossier that had been prepared for and paid by the Hillary Clinton Election Committee. There was not a shred of truth in it, and the FBI knew it.

Armed with the baseless Steele Dossier, the Justice Department and the FBI, presumably with the approval of then President Obama, obtained FISA warrants to spy on an American running for President. That is despicable. It is un-American.

Democrats in the House, knowing that they were elected with a majority, gleefully vowed to Impeach President Trump. And that was many months before anybody knew about President Trump's conversation with officials in Ukraine. He wanted to get to the bottom of Joe and Hunter Biden's corrupt quid-pro-quo to get a job for which Hunter was utterly unqualified. 

This Impeachment is nothing but the enormous Temper Tantrum of the Democratic Party. They didn't get Hillary elected, so the legitimate winner of the election, Donald Trump, would have hell to pay.

And people ask us why we don't trust the government anymore.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Beliefs of the American Left

Someone recently sent me an email entitled, "American Enigmas." I am sure someone authored these "enigmas," but I don't know who did. If you were that person, I would be more than happy to give you the credit. I certainly did not come up with them, but I believe they accurately reflect the American Left. Disclaimer: I am not certain that each one of the implied claims is accurate, but I believe most of them are. I have not taken the time to "fact-check" them. Here they are only slightly edited:

(1) Isn’t it strange that in America, our flag and our culture offend so many people, but our benefits don’t?

(2) How can the federal government ask U.S. citizens to pay back student loans - when illegal aliens are receiving a free education?

(3) Only in America are legal citizens labeled “racists” and “Nazis,” but illegal aliens are called “Dreamers.”

(4) Liberals say, “If confiscating all guns saves just one life, it’s worth it.” Well, then, if deporting all illegals saves just one life, wouldn’t that be worth it?

(5) I can’t quite figure out how you can proudly wave the flag of another country, - but consider it punishment to be sent back there.

(6) The Constitution: It doesn’t need to be rewritten, - it needs to be reread. [How about followed?]

(7) William F. Buckley said: “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other points of view, and are then shocked and offended when they discover there are other points of view.”

(8) Joseph Sobran said: “‘Need’ now means wanting someone else’s money. ‘Greed’ means wanting to keep your own. ‘Compassion’ is when a politician arranges the transfer.”

(9) Florida has had 119 hurricanes since 1850, - but some people still insist the last one was due to climate change

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

How to Politicize Christmas

"Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on Tuesday linked the Christmas nativity story to the plight of refugees, referencing "refugee babies in mangers" and their parents."

Her exact words: 
Joy to the World! Merry Christmas everyone - here’s to a holiday filled with happiness, family, and love for all people. 🌎(Including refugee babies in mangers + their parents.)
Let's get the facts straight. Mary and Joseph and Jesus were not refugees. They were citizens of the state of Israel under the domination of the Roman Empire. They had been commanded by Caesar Augustus to register, along with all the other citizens of the empire, for a census, probably for the purposes of taxation (Luke 2:1-3). 

They did not leave their own country. Joseph and Mary traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register there for the census because Joseph was a blood descendant of King David, whose home town was Bethlehem (Luke 2:4-5).

Because Bethlehem was so crowded, lodging was difficult to come by. Mary gave birth to her son and placed him in a manger because there was no room for them in the kataluma (2646), which probably refers to the guest room of a home. Most homes were divided into two – the living quarters and the animal quarters. The home in which they stayed had no guest room available in the living quarters, so Joseph and Mary and the baby Jesus spent the night in the animal quarters of their guest home (Luke 2:6-7).

To be sure, Jesus was born in exceedingly humble circumstances. But Joseph and Mary were not refugees. 

To use the Christmas Story to promote the global Marxist mantra of open borders in all countries is a completely dishonest perversion of the truth. But since when have Marxists been careful to tell the truth? 

If Marxism were true, all those Central American refugees would be high-tailing it to the south to live in Venezuela!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Fund the Wall!

Border Wall: AFP/Getty Images
Various members of the Senate were singing Christmas carols as they rolled out a stop-gap measure to fund the government for another three months. But one thing was missing. There was no funding included for a border wall.

Apparently the State Department has $10 billion to spare for foreign aid (translate foreign bribery) to Southern Mexico and Central America. But no one can find even a paltry $5 billion for a border wall to defend our own country. Truly amazing!

I don't know about you, but I do not want anyone breaking and entering my home. And I don't want anyone breaking and entering my country. With impunity and blessing and financial aid and promised citizenship!!!

If the truth were known the Democratic Party as a whole, and many non-conservative Republicans are frankly interested in a country and a world with no borders at all. If a nation cannot control its borders, it ceases to be a nation. 

And frankly, that is what the leftists want. They are Global Marxists. Their dream is for a utopia in which there is a world government with no borders, and one in which they have dictatorial control. There will be a "new normal" of just above subsistence level incomes with everything run by the all-powerful, all-wise state. And since these Global Marxists will be running the show, they will have all kinds of perquisites that the unwashed masses, Hillary's "Basket of Deporables," will never gain.

Donald Trump has promised, then wavered, and now promised again, not to sign the funding bill that the Senate has passed unless it includes $5 billion to fund the border wall. And if he doesn't sign the Senate's bill, the government will shut down. 

I say, "Fund the Wall - or shut down the government!"

The REAL Collusion with Russia

Christopher Steele is the compiler of "the infamous dossier [allegedly] linking President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign to Russia, alongside other unverified claims against Mr. Trump and his allies." What is going on here?

Hilary Clinton was not supposed to lose this election. The pollsters got it all wrong. Even Karl Rove, former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush was flummoxed. He was a guest political commentator on Fox News the night of the election. As the returns kept coming in and Donald Trump was looking surprisingly strong, Rove turned to other guests and said in utter frustration, "If things keep going as they appear to be, may God help us!"

Within hours of the conclusion of the election, Hilary Clinton and
her minions wanted to explain the "real reason" that Hilary had lost the election she was guaranteed to win. It was because Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to overthrow the election.

Hilary needed some help. She needed opposition research to sully and stymie Donald Trump's presidency. Christopher Steele, a former British spy, had connections with the Russians. He compiled a dossier on Donald Trump. None of the charges in the dossier have ever been proven. Those who are in the know and who are honest say the whole dossier is bogus. But that didn't stop Hilary. Hilary's Presidential Campaign paid for the dossier. This was never revealed to the FISA court.

Not one thing in the Russia dossier has ever been proven. And yet the US mainstream media, together with the inseparable leftist Democratic party (the two are coterminous) kept pounding the airwaves and TV networks and newspapers for nearly twenty four months now, screaming that Donald Trump is an illicit President because he stole the election from Hilary.

The Deep State planted spies in the Trump campaign. Eventually leftist Robert Mueller was appointed as "independent"prosecutor. His self-appointed task was to go fishing for anything that would taint Donald Trump and ultimately remove him from office. When the "Russian collusion" tack all but evaporated, his job became that of planting the charge that Donald Trump used campaign contributions to buy off the silence of women who had made charges against him.

In the end, it was really Hillary Clinton and her campaign who colluded with the Russians' dirty tricks operatives to try to steal the election from Donald Trump. That is the story of the REAL collusion with Russia.