Monday, February 28, 2011

Bipartisanship - a Political Definition

Periodically in our national political discourse, there is a fervent cry for greater bipartisanship. I thought it would be helpful for you to know what bipartisanship means in today's political discourse.

Democratic Party's definition: Bipartisanship exists when Republicans sacrifice their core beliefs and vote with the Democrats.

Establishment Republican Party's definition: Bipartisanship exists when Republicans sacrifice their core beliefs and vote with the Democrats.

Editor's Note: This notion is part of what gave birth to the Tea Party.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why the Revolutions and Demonstrations?

We watch with considerable interest the flames of revolt licking across North Africa and elsewhere in the Middle East. We note with interest President Obama's government aiding and abetting public sector unions in their angry demonstrations against the elected Governor of Wisconsin, who is trying to balance his state's budget. We notice that US socialists applauded riots in Egypt. We observed that Andy Stern, then president of the SEIU, was the most frequent visitor to the White House in the early days of Obama's presidency. Stern has bragged that he and his compadres have organizational hubs around the world.

So I ask the question. Are these demonstrations and riots a mere coincidence? I do not believe so. I suspect there is some world-wide orchestration. Why would Marxists and community organizers and fundamentalist Muslims cooperate? Because they all wish to transform the world into their version of global government.

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.